
Anticipating Cuts, Rural Schools Look to Upcoming N.Y. Budget With Dread

Gov. Kathy Hochul’s proposed budget would slash state aid for about half of all school districts in New York, but small, rural districts could bear the biggest burden.

Heather Ainsworth for The New York Times

Doctor-Assisted Death Is Legal in 10 States. Could New York Be No. 11?

Activists have renewed attention on legislation related to the emotional issue of so-called medical aid in dying that has long languished in Albany.

Cindy Schultz for The New York Times

Attention, New York Adulterers: Your Sin May Soon No Longer Be a Crime

Adultery has been illegal in New York since 1907, but state lawmakers seem poised to repeal the antiquated law.

Adrianna Newell for The New York Times

Migrant Costs Help Push New York State’s Budget to $233 Billion

Gov. Kathy Hochul’s new spending plan, unveiled on Tuesday, also called for investments in mental health care and for an important change to the way that cannabis is taxed.

Cindy Schultz for The New York Times

Four Takeaways From the Robert Menendez Indictment

The New Jersey senator, his wife and three businessmen have been accused of conducting a range of corrupt schemes in the United States and abroad.

Tom Williams, pool

5 Takeaways From Hochul’s State of the State Address

The governor of New York described a state that was struggling with crime, the cost of living and a mental health crisis as she laid out her goals for the year.

Cindy Schultz for The New York Times

What’s the Future of Wood-Fired Pizza in New York?

New regulations don’t mean the end of traditional pizza ovens. But they raise some issues for restaurants.

Tom Williams, pool

Lanna Apisukh for The New York Times

Taxing the Rich, School Funding, Housing: N.Y. Budget Battle Begins

Both of New York’s legislative chambers have announced their budget proposals. They have until April 1 to hash out a spending plan with the governor.

Cindy Schultz for The New York Times

Andy Kim Wins Democratic Senate Primary; Rob Menendez Survives Challenge

The victory makes Mr. Kim a favorite to replace Mr. Menendez’s father, Senator Robert Menendez, who is on trial, charged with corruption — a detail that became central to his son’s re-election race.

Hannah Beier for The New York Times

Menendez, on Trial, Files to Run for Re-election as an Independent

Several men dropped off the paperwork in Trenton, N.J., while the senator was in a federal courthouse in Manhattan. He has until the middle of August to withdraw.

Haiyun Jiang for The New York Times